C4T#4 - Post #1: The Principal's Principles
Smarter Balanced Assessments, change for the better?
John Bernia's lastest blog post was on November 5, 2012. He wrote about his recent staff meeting where they discussed the Smarter Balanced Assessments. At the beginning of the meeting they discussed the skills they want the children to be able to preform by the Spring semester of 2015.
Then the meeting dove into a discussion about what they, as teachers, could do to help the students reach this goal.
I thought this post showed a great organization of the thought process of a teacher. What do I want my students to achieve? Okay, now what do I need to do to be able to assist them in reaching those goals? I also took notice that the teacher's "To-Do" list was a bit longer than that of the students'. As a student you're focused on your own workload and never stop to think of what the teacher is having to do to help you with your studies. This post really put a lot in perspective for me. Which is strange because at first glance, this post would seem to hold a lot of relevance to the average college student. But that's just me. This post really got my wheels turning. I also saved it so I could go back into my records and review the list Mr. Bernia came up with.
C4T#4 - Post #2: The Principal's Principles
Well, I never fully grasped the idea of C4Ts. I completed them and I understand the reason for the assignment, but I could never understand the layout I suppose. I understand this is a horrible example as far as a final assignment goes, and I'm pretty sure none of my C4Ts were completed correctly. And I apologize. But, I attempted them and I did my best.
No. It worked. You thought about things you hadn't thought about. And you saved resources to use later. Sounds good to me.
ReplyDeleteWell done.