Thursday, October 11, 2012

C4K Summary for September

jacmor954's Blog Post on January 7, 2012.
Blog Post by jacmor954
In jacmor954's blog post he wrote a short story about a boy named Tim. Tim was surprised by his parents with a trip to the lake. When he arrived at the lake he saw a big zipline and Tim got scared. His sister called him a "scaredy cat" so Tim decided he had to conquer his fear. Eventually, Tim went down the zipline and realized it wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to.

I loved this little boy's story! I used to write short stories when I was in fifth grade. It's so refreshing to read stories written by children. The psychological part of me wants to analyze the story and dive deeper. It's great the little boy writes the ending so the main character accomplishes a goal! I love that! I was so impressed. I commented back telling him I hoped to read more of his short stories; but, seeing the post date is so far back my hopes are not high. I was genuinely taken back with this though. I love children's imaginations.

To read jacmor954's blog yourself, please click here.

Clara Beau's Blog Post on October 2, 2012.
Clara Beau Post
Judging by the first picture on this girl's blog post, I know she has a sense of humor and I like her already. She's a junior in high school and her entire post was about her problem with procrastination. As you read through it though, it doesn't sound like she has a problem with procrastination at all! She is staying ahead of her work, finishing everything on time. She's probably performing better in high school than I did. I waited until the last minute to do everything. I commented on her post saying how funny I thought she was and how much I enjoyed reading her blog. I also commented that I hope she gets her school work all together like she wants. I intend to keep up with her blog. I really enjoyed it. She seems quite entertaining.

To read Clara's blog yourself, please click here.

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